Thursday 11 April 2013

Geek Pie

Not really reading the papers or watching the news very much, I get much of my comment and reportage on modern society from Viz comic. And an entry in the Top Tips section of this month's issue pretty much sums up my thoughts on Paul Weller's hair far more succinctly than I could manage:

'Get that expensive Paul Weller hairstyle for free by simply running out of the barber's shop before they've finished'

Actually, now I think about it, that's the same as what happens in an episode of Nathan Barley where Dan Ashcroft goes to get his hair cut but accidentally drops some scissors into the proprietor's dog's head so hastily scarpers when the haircut is only half finished. His colleagues praise his original hairstyle and he hastily christens it 'Geek Pie'.

(One more thing: I just googled Weller and the second suggestion when you type his name in is indeed 'Paul Weller Haircut'. Is this trending?!?)


  1. Lies! It was a cat, not a dog that Ashcroft killed


    Android Pearson

  2. I realised that when I watched it again, and apologise wholeheartedly for the error. Thank you for pointing this out, whoever you are.
